It’s that time of the month again…
Think fluffy clouds. Think happy thoughts.
(Thank God I don’t have to go anywhere today)
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My desk cleanup is a success. Although I initially planned to do just the bottom left quarter, I unintentionally cleaned the top-left section too. There’s now just one folder for everything, a mug, a pencil case and a cat. I didn’t do the area behind the monitor but for now (forever?)… out of sight, out of mind.
My pencil case is doubling as a comfy pillow for the cat(why is he still here? God knows!), who, in the absence of clutter, decided he didn’t like my pen holder much (he pushed it off the desk twice, how annoying).
I declare this project complete and a success.
Now where can I put my pen holder?
Hey, listen,
It is not just a consequence of something good.
Your state of mind is yours to determine.
Inspired by Andrew Matthews’ philosophy of Being Happy.
I was at the supermarket just now when I overheard a couple, probably in their 60s, negotiating (they called otherĀ “Mama” and “Papa”!!!),
“It’s okay, Mama, we’ll just get this one (points to a pack of batteries in their shopping bag). ”
“No, Papa, I’ll get the cheaper one.”
“But Mama, I’m paying for it.”
“That is exactly why I need to get the cheaper one. I don’t want you to spend too much of your money on a pack of batteries. I’d rather you spend it on something else.”
“Oh alright Mama. Wait… does this mean I have to pay for your shopping later?”
They both giggled at each other. They were such a cute couple and so full of love. You know the type — sharing a drink in the park, holding hands till they’re 100.
I left the store feeling warm and fuzzy inside.
So I got to cleaning the bottom right quarter of my desk. All pens and pencils in this quarter are now in the pen holder. All empty wrappers are gone. Papers are now kept neatly in a folder. I found 3 CDs, 2 pen caps and $2.20 under the mess. The cat? He got back on the desk after the cleanup, so my phone is still on the floor (he pushed it off again, the little brat).
I’m working on the bottom left quarter now. My cat doesn’t look too happy with the ruckus.
1) Remove one of the mugs (I think I only need one)
2) Put markers into pencil case
3) Throw away empty snack wrappers.
4) Remove all but one folder.
5) Put all loose papers and clipping into one folder.
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Inspiration: SARK
Growing Happiness turned 1 month yesterday!(I wanted to update earlier after solving my computer problem but then my server decided to take a vacation)