January 22nd, 2008

Wish: A Happy Period

First of all, I’m thankful to be have the monthly visits from Aunt Flow. It means that my body is normal and it means that I can, God willing, have kids, should I choose to one day.

What I can’t stand is the sheer pain. I’ve had dysmenorrhoea for the longest time. In my teens I’d be taking days off school. Doctors and every woman I spoke to said that things will get better as I get older. Lies!

Now I take a day off work every month. One day, every month. 12 days a year. Just to sit. Literally. For 18 hours straight. In the same chair. Craughing* from time to time. Moving only to visit the toilet or to get a drink (no appetite for the day).

On the good side, these recurrent episodes of torture has caused me to develop an incredible tolerance to pain. My mum says that her labour pains were nothing spectacular compared to her period pains. I hope this holds true for me too.

Still I look forward to months where I no longer have to reschedule my timetable or refuse an invitation because I’m Sorry, I have to sit On my chair for 18 hours STRAIGHT today.

*Craughing(part sobbing cry, part hysterical laugh) is my coping mechanism to deal with extreme pain or stressful situations.

How bad do I want this?
I’d give up coffee for this. (Come to think of it, I have tried giving up coffee for this…)

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January 20th, 2008

Wish: Macbook Air

Illustration of the relationship between a Macbook Air and clean air

Since I had my wish granted yesterday, I think I should move on to slightly bigger(thinner?) things in the name of science (this is an experimental website, right?), the environment and, personal gain, er, I mean development.

Dear Secret Law of the Universe,

I desire a Macbook Air.

You see, my work is almost exclusively done on a computer. However, in my entire working life(and personal life) I’ve never own a laptop. That is probably not a good enough reason by itself, but do hear me out.

Two words – “Client presentations”. Do you know how difficult it is to present ideas to clients when I don’t personally own a portable computer? I usually have to present them on paper(not the best thing for the environment) or beg someone to lend it to me(not the best thing for my pride).

You see, by granting me this wish, I could in effect do my part in reducing the amount of paper being unnecessarily wasted and at the same time wow my clients (at least with the laptop, if not with my presentation). If my clients are wowed enough, I could possibly make more money from their projects.

If I make more money, I can have my old washing machine and refrigerator replaced with an environmentally-friendly model, which in turn will benefit the earth – Good stuff for both the environment and me. :):):)

So what do you think?

Positively yours

How bad do I want this?
Well… it’s nice and shiny…

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January 17th, 2008

The Secret

The Secret by Rhonda ByrneI was channel-surfing one night when I chanced upon an episode of Oprah talking about The Secret.

I was very skeptical at first, but by the end of the show, I was interested enough to learn more about this “secret”.

A few days after the show, I watched the the DVD

Now I’d be lying if I were to say it was a life-changing moment, but I’d be lying too if I say I didn’t learn anything from it. Most of the things in the DVD are stuff I already know packaged in a nice way. Some of the things though obvious, tend to be overlooked, so there were a few “ah, I see” moments.

Basically it’s about positive thinking. If you wish for something and focus your energy to achieve what you desire, the planets will automagically align themselves to grant you your wish. Or something like that.

So I did an experiment.

I wished for a cheque of $5000 to appear magically in my mailbox. I imagined how it felt like – blue, and crispy, with a handsome bank-ish smell- and what I’d do with the windfall – save half, give my mums a nice present, donate some to charity, buy a pair of sneakers, go for a trip to Bangkok and spend $100 on chocolates! I remember feeling a rush of endorphins through my system and a general feeling of happiness. It was a fun exercise.

Lo and behold 5 days later, I got a mail from a bank!

Cheque (Check)

A real cheque! In my mail! And it’s blue!
The punchline’s in the fine print.

Cheque - the fine print

Ha ha! So I got a credit cheque but it did meet all the requirements of my wish right?

So what’s my conclusion on “The Secret”? There’s no harm in positive thinking. The act of thinking about something that makes you happy is a great stress reliever and a fun thing to do. Who knows, you might even get your wish granted. :)

PS: I will continue to document my experiment with “The Secret” on this site. If you’ve had positive experience from it, I’d love to hear about it.

Link: The Secret – official website

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