September 13th, 2008

What do you want to do before you die?

I came across this site while surfing today.

It’s interesting to read what people want to do before they die. Most of wishes have to do with self-improvement, having fun,  being successful, living a dream, change the world for the better, finding love, starting a family. There are people who want to do everything and there are some who want to do nothing. And quite a number mentiond visiting Tokyo (I understand, I’d love to visit the city again soon!)!

Though I don’t think I want to do nothing, a lot of what I want to achieve (or have done and want to continue doing) is basically same – have fun, making a positive impact on the world, be happy, be at peace, live.

How about you?

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Questions like this always bog me down. It seems like I could make a shorter list of things I don't want to do before I die: work in an accounting firm, make someone else's life miserable, jump out of an airplane without a parachute... The one thing that always comes to mind, though, is a long trip. I want to make one poorly planned, freewheeling, seat-of-my-pants trip of at least a month to a part of the world I've never visited. Oceania or Micronesia always seems like the ideal place. I want to bumble around and, when I finally go back to my hotel, hostel, tent, or wherever I'm sleeping, only then make plans for what I'll do the next day and where I'll go. Even if I can't do that I want to see Easter Island just once. I once made a list of the top ten places I want to visit, but my wife quickly struck several of them because she was concerned about my safety. Sri Lanka, Uganda, Madagascar, Turkey, Fiji, and Nepal were all off-limits. At least she left Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea, Norway, and Iceland.
Christopher Waldrop  at 9:23 am on September 16, 2008
Darn it, I forgot Egypt. Maybe I forgot it because it was at the top of the list and was the first one she nixed.
Christopher Waldrop  at 9:24 am on September 16, 2008
I know I don't want to live a life of regret. Travelling without a plan sounds like a true luxury and your "wife-approved" list is still a good one. Oh, and I'd love to see the aurora borealis!
Ginger M  at 5:54 am on September 18, 2008
[...] presented with the question, “What would you like to do before you get too weak/retire/die?” I’ve always answered “travel around the [...]
Aiming for the World | Growing Happiness  at 9:35 am on December 4, 2008

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